Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Day

Today was the day we carved the pumpkins we got a few weeks back.  Our little friends from across the street helped Mommy and Janie clean the slimy strings and pumpkin seeds out of the first pumpkin.

Later, Daddy carved the other pumpkin and Janie helped.  Liam was not too interested in helping.  :)

We are taking a poll.  Which pumpkin turned out better? The left one or the right one?
 We made pumpkin muffins and then read the kids "The Pumpkin Parable".  We are making this a tradition.  The "Pumpkin Parable" is a story about a loving farmer who turns a simple pumpkin into a glorious sight in the same way God's transforming love can fill each of our hearts with joy and light.  It is a good way to share the good news with children each Harvest season.

 The Pumpkin muffins were so simple.  I got the idea off of Pinterest.  All it is is a box of yellow cake mix mixed with 1 can of pumpkin.  I added 1/2 a cup of water to make them softer.  Bake them at 350 degrees for 25 minutes and voila.
I think my little pumpkins are all pumpkined out.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall, Family, Fun

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year and one of our favorite things to do when Fall is here is go up to the Apple Orchard.  We found one fairly close to our home.  Windy Hill Orchard was wonderful!!
We piggy backed with a school group who got a tour of the orchard.  While we waited for the tour to start, we enjoyed an apple donut! :)

 The tour included a story about Johnny Appleseed and an apple cider demonstration.  Janie and Liam were so into it they sat still pretty much the entire time! :) The story teller was awesome because he incorporated lessons from the Bible.  Loved that!!!
 After the story and demonstration, we went on a hay ride! We enjoyed seeing the apple trees and the man feed the pigs and explain what he raises the pigs for... BACON!

 After the hay ride we got some apple cider and another apple donut which was included in the tour.  A hen decided to join us! haha

 And of course we had to get some apples before we left.. Liam and Janie helped pick the apples out.

 It turned out to be a great day not only because we were at the apple orchard but because we were together and there is no place I would rather be on this earth than with my family!
 Can't wait to try this barbecue sauce out on some pork or chicken!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Smoothie with some benefits!

Who knew spinach could be so delicious!? For a few mornings now, Janie has been asking me for the yummy juice I make in the vita mix.  It starts out as a regular smoothie. (A banana, frozen mango or any other frozen fruit) Then I add a couple handfulls of SPINACH! with some ice and a little water...Both Janie and Liam just love it.  I even like it and we could all use more spinach in our diets so why not? You can't even taste it.  It tastes like fruit juice.  Don't worry, we don't always sneak stuff in.  They are pretty good eaters.  Lat night they ate red peppers at dinner like it was candy! :) I got the idea for this "green" smoothie from pinterest.  (where I get most ideas lately) This smoothie is such a great way to start the day off healthy.  I did break down during the kids nap time and have a couple spoon fulls of nutella.  I wish I didn't do that second spoon full.  Made me feel pretty yucky! :( Tomorrow is a new day!

Monday, August 1, 2011

These are the days!

Today has been one of those days where I feel like I have been constantly going but not really going anywhere.  Got up this morning and saw Justin out the door for his first day at his new job.  Gave Janie some beads and ribbon to make a necklace for her doll.  I hear Janie say "I'm starting to get the hand of this." :) Liam had a bowl of cheerios he was snacking on.  I took that moment to go get dressed and ready to go to the YMCA.  I come out a few moments later to find Liam had dumped his cheerios all over the living room floor.  "LIAM, COME PICK THESE UP NOW!" I got on my knees and started picking them up real quick so I could get them dressed and ready to go too.  Then I hear "UH-OH" and look around the couch into the kitchen to find the beads had all fallen onto the floor.  "Janie I know it was an accident but can you please help Mommy pick these up?" She picks up a couple and I quickly pick up the other 50.  I get them dressed and head out the door so we can get there in time for Janie's wee fit class.  I drop the kids off and go climb 56 flights of stairs on the stairmaster.  I hurry down to the gym where Janie is in her class so I can sneak a peek.  My heart melts and then I go to Liam's class and do the same.  I went ahead and picked him up and I sooo Love seeing him run to the door when he sees me and yell "Mommy!" with a big smile on his face.  Then Janie came out of her class and we made our way back home.  The living room is cluttered with toys when we walk in and my first thought is clean up time.  Liam and Janie start chasing each other and laughing then run up to me and say run tickle.  The thought of cleaning quickly exits my mind and I play with them until lunch needs to be made.  After lunch we enjoy some snuggle time.  I am sitting here as they nap and thinking about how thankful I am for them.  Despite all the chaos and lack of energy, I would not have it any other way.  I put them down for their nap and went downstairs amidst all the toys and filled a glass with water, dropped a few drops of YL essential Lemon oil and some ice and got an instant energy boost.  My kids really show me what is important.  I am going to look back on these days and say "Those were the days."  I truly love my messy house.  I love all the life and love in this house! I am truly blessed with 2 wonderfully energetic, funny, adorable toddlers.  I love you guys! :)