Thursday, September 22, 2011

Smoothie with some benefits!

Who knew spinach could be so delicious!? For a few mornings now, Janie has been asking me for the yummy juice I make in the vita mix.  It starts out as a regular smoothie. (A banana, frozen mango or any other frozen fruit) Then I add a couple handfulls of SPINACH! with some ice and a little water...Both Janie and Liam just love it.  I even like it and we could all use more spinach in our diets so why not? You can't even taste it.  It tastes like fruit juice.  Don't worry, we don't always sneak stuff in.  They are pretty good eaters.  Lat night they ate red peppers at dinner like it was candy! :) I got the idea for this "green" smoothie from pinterest.  (where I get most ideas lately) This smoothie is such a great way to start the day off healthy.  I did break down during the kids nap time and have a couple spoon fulls of nutella.  I wish I didn't do that second spoon full.  Made me feel pretty yucky! :( Tomorrow is a new day!