Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I don’t know about anyone else but I know that I feel tired and it seems like I feel tired all the time.  The two little ones are bundles of energy and I am constantly making sure they are taken care of.  Don’t get me wrong…I LOVE taking care of them and playing with them but when tired I find that I struggle with keeping my cool in regards to communication when frustrated.  I hate when I say something to my kids or husband in a harsh way and end up tearing them down.  So I had prayed before my devotions the other day for the Lord to give me patience and for my speech to change.  I opened up my God’s Words of Life for Moms devotional and the devotional for the day was titled “Communication”.  How fitting! God knew exactly what I needed.  There are so many verses in the Bible about communication but a couple really stood out to me. 
The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life. Proverbs 15:4
A wise man’s heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction.  Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:23-24
These verses really stood out to me because as a Mommy and wife I am naturally nurturing and want healing for my family.  With my words, I heal them.  When they get hurt they want Mommy to care for them.  Tired or not, I strive to be healing to them with my words.  When I feel like yelling “BE QUIET for  5 seconds” I will think back to these verses and ask myself “Is this what they need to hear or do I need to be more patient?”  I wrote these verses on my whiteboard in the kitchen for a frequent reminder.  We all need these kinds of reminders and I thank God for this reminder in my Devotions. 

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