Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Members class. Boring? Not this time!

We are going through a "New Members" class at our Church which frankly is something I am not really excited to go through.  Not that I don't want to be a member but I enjoy our Sunday School class and I miss being challenged.  We have been going through doctrine and why Northside believes what they believe which is in line with our beliefs.  Anyways...I came out of last weeks class actually being challenged! The teacher was speaking about Hell and how Hell should motivate us to share the Love of God and His free gift of salvation to everyone we come in contact with.  It is naturally a hard thing to do! So many people I come in contact with or just pass by are going to die and go to hell which is a VERY scary thought.  Even good people who don't understand being washed in the Blood are going to go to hell.  They have not put their trust in God alone to get them to Heaven.
Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
If you have not been saved then you are not going to Heaven.  It doesn't matter how "good" you think you are.  I may think I am generally a good person but I will never be good enough! It is only through God I will get to Heaven.  I am so thankful for that fact! I am also thankful that after I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour, all of my sins were left at the cross and as I ask for forgiveness they will always be at the cross! God will judge my motives behind all of my works for Him.  None of my works mean anything unless they are done for Jesus Christ and I have put all of my trust in Him.  Becoming saved is as simple as recognizing that you are a sinner and asking God into your heart by praying to Him and then committing to live to Him by having a personal relationship with Him.  God communicates to us through His Word which is the Holy Bible so be in it as much as possible to maintain a relationship! How can you get to know someone if you do not listen? It only makes sense to be in prayer and in His Word as much as you can. This was such a great reminder to me to be open with people about what they may be missing.  Also to check my motives behind why I do certain things! I hope that I reached one person out there and if there are any questions please feel free to ask!

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